Dimash Alzhanov holds MSc degree in Comparative Politics (Democracy) from London School of Economics and Political Science. He has a broad experience in the areas of election observation and democratization. Dimash is a co-founder of Legal Policy Research Centre, an independent research institute established by a group of lawyers and political analysts in April 2008. He has worked as a Political Analyst with the OSCE/ODIHR EOMs to Moldova, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Georgia.

Alexandru C. Apetroe is a PhD candidate in Political Science at the Faculty of European Studies, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj- Napoca, Romania. He holds a BA in Law (Al. I. Cuza University of Iaşi), a BA in European Studies (Babeș-Bolyai University) with a joint MA in Political Science (Babeș-Bolyai University) and MA in Public Policies (Université Paris 12). Currently he is doing his research on humanitarian intervention in West Africa at Université Paris 3 Sorbonne-Nouvelle. His research interests range from international relations and security studies to national identity and nationalism.

Tamar Bagratia has a considerable experience in working with different international organizations (UNDP, USAID, UN Women, OSCE/ODIHR, NIMD, EECMD, IRI-Moldova, etc) and local and international NGOs on gender issues. She possesses 15 years of successful working experience in academia and non-profit organizations. Tamar is the author of numerous surveys, as well as analytical and policy papers on gender and politics. She developed training modules on gender mainstreaming at the local level, leadership and communications. Among others, Tamar was an invited lecturer at the Tbilisi State University.

Bohdan Bernatskyi is a Legal expert with a proven track of record in fields of constitutional law and justice, international human rights standards, regulation of political parties, legislative procedures, law of sanctions, democracy, etc. PhD student in international law at the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”. He was a legal expert at the Democracy Reporting International (DRI) and invited expert at the foreign affairs committee of the Verkhovna Rada. Bohdan’t work has been published in Ukrainian Journal of Constitutional Law, Yurydychna Gazeta, Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal, Democracy Reporting International publications among others.

Dzianis Bukonkin is a director of Foreign Policy and Security Research Center (NGO) and a deputy head of Center for the History of Geopolitics of the Institute for History of the National Academy of Science of Belarus. He holds MA in Political Science from the Belarus State University. Dzianis was a lecturer at the Faculty of International Relations, BSU. His areas of interests are: EaP integration process, international relations, national interests as category, historical memory and remembrance studies, NGOs as political actor in the CEE region.

Migena Bushati is a journalist. Besides, she is a project proposal writer for EU funding. She studied foreign languages and public relations. Migena intends to address political news topic in her upcoming PhD research. Based on her background and working experience in the Municipality of Tirana, Migena explored intersections between public administration, political parties and legislators. She enjoys traveling, reading and walking.

Irena Djordjevic is PhD candidate in the Political science department at the University of Aveiro and University of Beira Interior. She holds multidisciplinary master’s degree in Terrorism, Organized Crime Security, and bachelor’s degree in Journalism. She works as policy researcher in NALED, writing policy analysis and managing projects in the field of labor taxation, entrepreneurship and shadow economy.

Meerim Egemberdieva is a MA student at OSCE Academy in Bishkek, at the Department of Politics and Security. She holds Bachelor’s Degree from Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University. Meerim completed internship at the Union of Turkish World Municipalities in Istanbul. She received “Best Delegate” award at Model United Nations (MUN) at American University in Central Asia in Bishkek, at New Silk Way MUN in Almaty, at ENU MUN in Astana. Her research interest lies in political developments and democracy in Central Asia. Meerim published articles at KLOOP.kg.

Marina Gorbatiuc works as a researcher and PhD candidate at the Institute for Legal, Political and Sociological Research in Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova. Marina has remarkable competencies in training, counselling and team management. She is the author of a series of academic publications in Moldova and beyond (Poland, Georgia, Belarus). Marina constantly participates in international scientific conferences to upgrade academic expertise.

Mohirakhoni Husnidinzoda is a graduate of foreign language faculty. Her desire to contribute to the society led her working at the NGO “Parents of Children with Developmental Problems”. Mohirakhoni to implemented programs aiming to advance youth employment capacities. Thousands of children with different disabilities received financial and emotional support in order to make their life better. Aspiration for greater impact triggered her interest in politics. Mihirakhoni pursues MA in Politics and Security at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek.

Aleš Jakubec holds the university degree in the field of International Politics and Diplomacy at the University of Economics in Prague. He worked at the International Relations Department of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Since 2016, he is engaged in the OSCE/ODIHR, as well as the EU election observation missions. Aleš observed elections in 11 countries, mainly as LTO in the post-Soviet region as well as in Africa. In 2018, he completed a three-month internship at the IFES headquarters in Washington, D.C. at the Europe and Eurasia Department, working on the agenda of the Balkans team. Aleš pursues PhD in Political Science at the University of Economics in Prague with the focus on elections and electoral frauds.

Mohammad Tamim Karimi is currently pursuing his MA in Politics and Security from OSCE Academy in Bishkek. He has obtained his Bachelor’s degree from Bard College & American University of Central Asia in International and Comparative Politics. In recent years, Tamim has worked as an intern at the Administrative Office of the President of Afghanistan, Embassy of Afghanistan in Berlin and Center for Gender and Women’s Studies at Kadir Has University.

Tatiana Lupacheva is a master student in Democracy and Governance program at the University of Tartu in Estonia. She holds a bachelor’s degree in international relations, political science and human rights from Saint Petersburg State University. Tatiana is an alumna of the Future Leaders Exchange Program and Bard Globalization and International Affairs Program. Her current academic interests include political parties and political behavior, mass media in authoritarian regimes as well as election observation.

Lilia Manastîrlî holds MA in political science, specialized in International Relations, from the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Moldova with the title of the Best Student. She has an experience in human rights, civil society, as well as in promoting of good governance, multiculturalism, diversity, freedom and pluralism of mass media and democratic elections. Since 2008 Lilia is working with NGOs and IGOs that allows her to implement number of project at the national and international level.

Harout S. Manougian is a recent MPA graduate from the Harvard Kennedy School. He is currently a Legislative Assistant at the Armenian National Assembly, assisting with the post-Velvet Revolution electoral reform effort. Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, Harout was elected as a Trustee to the Toronto District School Board in 2012, serving until 2014. He enjoys discussing district magnitude and online political advertising regulation.

Máté Mátyás studied International Relations and Public Administration at universities in Hungary, the United Kingdom, China and the United States. He is currently a Junior Research Fellow in an EU Horizon 2020 research project, FATIGUE about eastern European populism at the Corvinus University of Budapest and the University of Tartu. With his research, he hopes to contribute a more precise analysis of Central and East European societies after the fall of one-party communist dictatorships. In his free time, he likes to read, follow latest developments and listen to music.

Kateryna Minkina obtained Master`s degree in History from Kharkiv V.N. Karazin National University. In 2014 joined Civil Network OPORA and worked there as long-term observer. Since 2016 is working as coordinator of Civil Network OPORA in Kharkiv oblast. Currently, she is taking part in election observation by coordinating LTOs, managing projects aimed at civic political education and strengthening dialogue between elected officials and citizens. Kateryna has an expertise in political analysis and providing recommendations in context of accountability and transparency of local and national council and elected officials.

Daniiar Oskonbaev graduated from OSCE Academy in Bishkek. Daniiar’s research interest is Kyrgyz parliamentarism. He has spent one year at the International University of Tsukuba (Japan) as an exchange student where he made a research on Japan’s border issues with neighboring states. Daniiar has experience in working with number of international organizations, such as Doctors Without Borders, UN OHCHR, starting from assistant translator to deputy head of project. He worked with IDPs and refugees after ethnic riots in the South of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2010. He is a father of adorable baby girl.

Azizbek Odilov graduated from the Tashkent State Law University with a degree in Administrative Law in 2019. He led Youth Union of Uzbekistan at the University and served as a head of a press service. Azizbek provided free legal consultations across Uzbekistan. He was a specialist at the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Currently he is a LL.M. student at the Academy of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Uzbekistan. Azizbek’s conducts research on the role of artificial intelligence in combating corruption and the ways of active engagement of young people in implementing anti-corruption policies and strategies.

Liljana Pecova -Ilieska, CEO of IMPETUS and Program Director for Privacy and Internet, with specific address on good governance issues, transparency, accountability and openness of the institutions. She has 10 years’ experience in the MoI, followed by an Advisory position at the Data Protection Agency, whereas was part of the Experts WG on National Inter-Sectoral Body for Human Rights Protection. Liljana is an author of several research papers in data protection, transparency and accountability. She is a member of the Complaint Committee in the Council of Ethics in the Media. Liljana is also a community member of SEEDIG Sub regional Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Initiative’s, Co-Founder of IGFMKD and activist of CoE’s No Hate Speech Campaign, among others.

Maria Piotrowska is currently completing her PhD thesis in Department of African Languages and Cultures at the University of Warsaw, where she also works as professor assistant. She covers topics raging from cultural conceptualizations in language, to political discourse, to elections in Africa. As an academic she also teaches Swahili language. Since 2016 she has been serving as international election observer. Hitherto, she observed elections as the STO in SubSaharan Africa and Europe with the EU, OSCE, The Carter Centre and Polish NGO Fundacja Odpowiedzialna Polityka. Maria also implementing humanitarian and development aid projects in the Middle East and African countries. Recently, she took part in social media observation during Polish parliamentary elections, pilotage project carried by MEMO98 and DRI.

Andres Reiljan is a PhD researcher in the Department of Political and Social Sciences in the European University Institute. He holds a BA and an MA degree in political science from the University of Tartu. His research focuses on party systems and political polarisation. He has also worked extensively on voting advice applications. In his free time, Andres is a passionate amateur athlete in various disciplines and a punk culture enthusiast.

Selma Zulic Siljak is a researcher and collaborator with an interdisciplinary background and approach. She holds a double master’s degree, first being in Comparative Literature and Library Science from the University of Sarajevo, and the second one in Democracy and Human Rights from the University of Bologna. This unusual blend of education places her position of a researcher on intersection of humanities and social sciences, always striving to keep the political scientist, librarian, and poet in a good balance. She has been publishing work in the area of information ethics, migrations and social justice, democracy and human rights, peacebuilding and reconciliation. Selma has been working for international non-profits and inter-governmental agencies coordinating projects in the field of research, social justice and human rights.